30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge

I'm doing this 30-day drawing challenge, although I'll only be posting once a week. I looked up a 30-day drawing challenge on Pinterest and found this one.
- A sword
- Plant
- Still life
- A Pokémon
- A robot
- A baked good
- A toy
- A pet
- A dragon
- A dinosaur
- A llama
- A sea creature
- Landscape
- A tank
- A spaceship
- Zodiac character
- A car
- Yourself
- A hippy
- A hipster
- A wizard
- A zombie
- An alien
- A dancer
- A doctor who is a villain
- A comic book character
- A video game character
- A character from a book
- A knight
- Anything steampunk
I've been excited about this one. I love Pokémon and even still play Pokémon Go. It was hard for me to choose which Pokémon I wanted to go with though, as I love several different of them.
Squirtle is a water-type Pokémon introduced in generation 1. It evolves into Wartortle starting at level 16, and then evolves again into Blastoise starting at level 36. Along with Bulbasaur and Charmander, Squirtle is one of the three starter Pokémon of Kanto available at the beginning of Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, Fire Red and Leaf Green.
Squirtle is a cute little Pokémon that resembles a light blue turtle. It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip. Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits. The end of its long tail curls inward. Its body is encased by a tough shell that forms and hardens after birth. This shell is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom and has a thick white ridge between the two halves.
Piplup is a water-type Pokémon introduced in generation 4. It evolves into Prinplup starting at level 16, which evolves into Empoleon starting at level 36. Along with Turtwig and Chimchar, Piplup is one of three starter Pokémon of Sinnoh available at the beginning of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
Piplup is a light-blue, penguin-like Pokémon, which is covered in thick down to insulate against the cold. It has a dark blue head with a primarily white face and a short yellow beak. The dark blue feathers on it's head extend down its back and around its neck, which causes it to appear to be wearing a cape. There are two white ovals on its chest and a small, light-blue marking resembles a crown above its beak. It has flipper-like arms and yellow feet with three toes each.
Suicune is a water-type legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation 2. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Along with Raikou and Entei, it is one of the legendary beasts resurrected by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. Of the three legendary beasts, Suicune is said to represent the rains that quenched the flames of the burning Brass Tower. Suicune is the game mascot of Pokémon Crystal.
Suicune is a slim, quadruped, blue mammalian Pokémon with white, diamond-shaped markings. Its face and underside are white as well. Suicune has a thick, purple mane that resembles the aurora borealis and two white, streamer-like tails that wave forward. It has a long, white snout. Suicune has a large, hexagonal, cerulean blue crest on its forehead that resembles the antlers of a Qulin with two prongs on either side of the base. It has red eyes, a small tuft of fur under it's chin, and small paws with white paw pads.
Ralts is a dual-type psychic/fairy Pokémon introduced in generation 3. Prior to generation 6, it was a pure psychic-type Pokémon. It evolves into Kirlia starting at level 20, which evolves into Gardevoir starting at level 30, or, if male, Gallade when exposed to a dawn stone.
Ralts is a humanoid Pokémon with a white body. It has thin arms and legs that widen toward the feet. There is a wispy extension trailing off the back of it's feet, creating the overall impression of a nightgown or oversized dress. Most of its face is covered by green hair that resembles a bowl cut, but a pair of pinkish red eyes is sometimes visible. There are two flat, red horns on top of it's head: a large one toward the front and a smaller one at the back.
Greninja is a dual-type water/dark Pokémon introduced in generation 6. It evolves from Frogadier starting at level 36. It is the final form of Froakie.
Greninja is a bipedal, frog-like Pokémon. It is mostly dark blue with a yellow chest, a white triangular marking over each eye, a light blue four-pointed star on each thigh, and yellow on the lower half of its face. It has red eyes with white pupils and its mouth is hidden behind a large, pink tongue that wraps around its neck and extends outward behind its head. Running down the middle of its head is a fin-like extension, and there is a similar fin on each side of its head. Light blue webbing connects its head fins. There is a large, white bubble-like bump on each elbow and knee. Its back feet have two toes, while its front feet have three toes. Each digit has a bulbous tip and yellow webbing.
Kadabra is a psychic-type Pokémon introduced in generation 1. It evolves from Abra starting at level 16 and evolves into Alakazam when traded.
Kadabra is a primarily yellow, humanoid Pokémon. It has two long, pointed ears on top of its head, a red star on its forehead, narrow deep-set eyes and wide cheeks leading down to a thing snout. Extending from its each side of its snout are two mustache-like tufts of fur; a male will have a longer mustache than a female. Kadabra's torso is segmented with bulky shoulders, a thick, brown chest and a small abdomen marked by three red, wavy lines. Attached to the Pokémon's abdomen is a large, thick tail encircled with a brown band near its base. Its arms are thing with brown elbows and end in three-fingered hands with white claws. Its legs have prominent knees and large, three-toed feet, also ending in white claws. Two of its toes face forward and one backward. Kadabra is always seen carrying a silver spoon, which amplifies its telekinetic powers. A gold spoon does not work as an amplifier and Kadabra is only half as strong without a spoon. It is able to bend its spoon to use Kinesis, its signature move.
While I know that Ralts is simpler than some of the other Pokémon, it has always been my all time favorite so I decided to go with Ralts. To make sure it wasn't too simplistic or easy, I also added the shading, etc.

30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge
Source: https://geekypagan.com/30-day-drawing-challenge-day-4-pokemon/
Posted by: hopkinshodauld.blogspot.com
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